Mere Travels

And so I'm off. Off to Africa. Off to explore. And perhaps even a little bit off my rocker! :) We'll see about that, and I humbly invite you all to follow along. The journey begins Oct 29, 2006.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Others

So we were recently at a camp with other Overlanding trucks there at the same time. It was VERY interesting comparing notes between trucks. One thing I noticed right off the bat is that all the tours seemed pretty female-heavy (not as much as ours, but still the ratio was off center).

The truck parked next to ours immediately earned the nickname "Tofu Crew." When we arrived the entire group was in the middle of a massive yoga, stretching, aerobics class on the main lawn. And the exercise continued. They rose early, and went for jogs around the property, had their afternoon yoga/aerobics class, played volleyball games, etc. Anything and everything to put on a new sports bra! :)

The truck on the other side of the Tofu Crew was aptly named the "Family Reunion Tour." Their days were scheduled to the minute, and any downtime between park activities was filled with sack races, egg tosses, wheelbarrow races, and the like.

A thrid truck arrived on our second night at this camp, and they were the "Animal House Truck." They stayed up impressively late, drank very heavily, sang kareoke, and wore really skimpy outfits. (When I was doing research to find my tour, I did come across a site... I have to wonder if this was them!) Hmmmm.....

And then there's us. Us. I'm not quite sure how I'd describe us. We're a motely crew, no doubt. We have all ages (the four Aussies in their sixties, down to a 20-year old girl), and that definitely adds to the dynamic. We eat a lot, and our cook is definitely not watching the oil, mayo or butter. The drinks cooler is always a top prioirty to unload whenever the truck stops, but no one parties outrageously hard. And it takes a lot to get the occasional game going (I led charrades last night), and there are always a lot of people who sit out. We do sleep a lot -- everyone seems to hit the hay by 9:30 or so, and when given the chance, we'll sleep in too!

I think I'd be most happy on a tour that combined a touch of Tufu with a pinch of Family Reunion, and threw in a little Animal House here and there, but such is life, and the trucks roll on!



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